GGR Board Meeting Minutes for July

Porsche Club of America

Golden Gate Region

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

July 3, 2024


XPresident – Howard YaoXAutocross – Himanshu Patel
XVice President – Brad ZucroffXMotoring – Cheryl Spott
XSecretary – Eric WilsonCo-Track – Scott Kalkin
XTreasurer – Alan JungXCo-Track – Jim McClelland
XMembership – Wen ShenNugget Editor – Jim Tierney
XSocial – Kate EfremovaCo-Webmaster – Christina Hamilton
Co-Webmaster – ​​Alexander Wu

Call to Order 6:21pm


  • Discussion of new GGR logo proposal from Tim Hankerson
  • PCA Zone 7 will be unincorporated so their MotorsportReg account will be closed soon
    • LPR expected to take over the Zone 7 Concours series
    • GGR expected to take over the Zone 7 Autocross series
    • To be voted on at upcoming Presidents meeting
  • Next year will be GGR’s 65th anniversary!

Vice President:

  • No updates


  • Vote to approve June 5, 2024 minutes: APPROVED


  • June 2024 financials discussion, vote to accept: APPROVED
  • Current bank balance: ~$248.5k bank balance with minimal outstanding

Membership Director:

  • July 1, 2024 member counts
    • PCA GGR
      • 3786 total (2630 primary members, 1153 co-members, 3 honorary)
      • 140 PCA Juniors, 125 renewals, 84 dropped, 27 new members
    • PCA National: 162,175 active members (106,494 primary & 55,681 co-members)
  • Vote to accept new members: APPROVED
  • Share photos with Wen for submission to PCA magazine

Autocross Director:

  • Autocross #4 held on June 9 event at Salinas
  • Beginners Car Control Clinic held on June 22 at Alameda
    • Basic exercises in the morning – skidpad, slalom and braking
    • Autocross-like course in the afternoon
  • Advanced Car Control Clinic held on June 23 at Alameda with a simulated Autocross course (no timing)
  • Autocross #5 is July 28 at Salinas
  • Autocross #6 is August 11 at Crows Landing
  • Discussion about using an alternative timing software package, Clokkr, to replace Pronto

Track Director:

  • Sonoma Track Event (June) – very well attended
  • Track team will meet next week – need to build up the volunteer team as have a lot of key-person risk today
  • Jim volunteered at the PCA Club Race at Watkins Glen hosted by Zone 1 – took back some learnings about gridding process
  • Continuing to collaborate with Diablo PCA on streamlining two track events in a weekend to look like one
  • Thunderhill Track Event (October) coming up next: Oct 12-13
    • Diablo DE on Friday, Oct 11
    • Our DE registrations are open now
    • Club Racing registrations are opening soon
  • Considering another event at Buttonwillow in November (DE & Club Race)
    • Open question is whether the new circuit will be available
    • Central Coast will be running Friday, November 1
    • We have November 2-3 dates available but have not made any commitments yet
  • Looking for a designated Time Trial coordinator

Motoring Director:

  • Mammoth Drive was fun
  • Harris Ranch coming up next on July 20
  • Unsure of August event with Car Week
  • Lost Coast in September
  • Santa Barbara in October

Social Director:

  • Most recent Cars & Coffee at Sonoma on June 29
    • Coordinated parade laps with track event: two groups of 12 cars each
    • Overall, average attendance
  • Next event will be end of July in Los Altos near 280 & 85
  • San Francisco Sports Cars (on Industrial Road in San Carlos) event is now October
  • Working on event with Panerai watches in Santa Clara for November


  • (not present)

Nugget Editor:

  • (not present)

Adjournment 8:03pm

Next Board Meeting: August 7, 2024 @ Wen’s place