• President’s Message: Zone 7 Concours

    Dear GGR Members, Hope you’ve all had a great summer so far. As I write this, school starts in a few more days for my daughter, so summer is almost over. On the bright side, that means football season is starting soon. I hope the Niners have another great season this year. On the college…

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  • Fun Run Craziness

    Trying not to over use the age old cliché, “ Even the Best Made Plans ……….. “ even go awry !  This month’s outing was a bit unique in many ways, a new route, brush fire emergency re-route, CHP road block ( More on that later ).  To begin, the planning team & I had…

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  • Membership Updates

    It has been such a busy summer, and I apologize for the lack of updates over the past couple of months. During our most recent drive to Carmel on August 10th, I found myself catching up with one of our members, only to realize how quickly time has flown by. Between work, life, and hobbies,…

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  • The Drivers of Summer

    Reporting on two events in the past thirty days. Autocross #5 update Fifth autocross event of the season was attended by fifty-three drivers on July 20 at Salinas Airport. Salinas always offers mild temperatures in summertime and July 20 was no exception. Fifty-nine drivers enjoyed the nine runs during the event. When dust settled, we…

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  • GGR Board Meeting Minutes for July

    Porsche Club of America Golden Gate Region Board of Directors Meeting Minutes July 3, 2024 Attendance: X President – Howard Yao X Autocross – Himanshu Patel X Vice President – Brad Zucroff X Motoring – Cheryl Spott X Secretary – Eric Wilson Co-Track – Scott Kalkin X Treasurer – Alan Jung X Co-Track – Jim…

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  • GGR President’s Message for July

    Dear GGR Members, June packed a wonderful one two punch for our Club! The first hit was the amazing return to Alameda for the Autocrossers. The location is so convenient for most members in the Bay Area and the event was a big success. I had not instructed in Autocross in many years, but once…

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  • Porsche Ice Driving Introduction (a call for GGR PCA drivers for February 2025) 

    What’s the most fun you’ve ever had in a car?  Wait … don’t answer that yet!  No matter what answer came to mind, confidently sliding sideways in a 992S with studded tires on an iced race track in freezing conditions under the guidance of a professional instructor is among the very best driving experiences you…

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  • Sonoma Raceway Recap

    Greetings Track Enthusiasts: GGR held its fifth track event of the season at Sonoma Raceway over the weekend of June 29th and 30th.The weather was great and we were able to host approximately one hundred twenty HPDE drivers, twenty-two new students, and a field of fifty-four club racers. The Diablo Region hosted their DE on…

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  • Autocross July Blog

    Summer is in full swing with the autocross program. We not only hosted our June event at Salinas, but also returned to our beloved site – Alameda for the annual autocross school (Car Control Clinics). Assuming you see this by July 17th, your still have time to register for our fifth autocross event at Salinas…

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  • GGR Board Meeting Minutes for June 2024

    Porsche Club of America Golden Gate Region Board of Directors Meeting Minutes June 5, 2024 Attendance: X President – Howard Yao X Autocross – Himanshu Patel X Vice President – Brad Zucroff X Motoring – Cheryl Spott X Secretary – Eric Wilson Co-Track – Scott Kalkin X Treasurer – Alan Jung X Co-Track – Jim…

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