GGR’s European Vacation

Mark Your Calendars for Our 2nd Membership Event – November 2nd!

Exciting news, GGR members! We’re actively planning our second membership event, and it’s approaching fast! Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 2nd. Be sure to join us for an exciting day of networking, tech talks and plenty of laughter! Keep an eye out for registration emails coming soon and stay tuned for more information as we finalize the details.

What Happened Last Month?

Last month, I had the pleasure of embarking on a breathtaking driving tour through Europe. No, it wasn’t for a European car delivery this time (though I’m hoping for that in the future, haha!). I kicked off the adventure at the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart before setting out to cross the majestic Alps, visiting Germany, Austria, Italy, and Switzerland along the way.

Four years ago, when I first visited these incredible places, I promised myself I would come back to drive those legendary mountain passes—and this time, I finally made it happen! The experience was nothing short of exhilarating. Driving on passes like the Stelvio, Susten, Grimsel, Nufenen, St. Gotthard, and Furka Passes was a dream come true. Everytime I thought I had my fill of mountain roads, another amazing pass would appear right around the corner for me to tackle. I still get goosebumps thinking about it!

It was also an honor to see GGR’s very own medallion proudly displayed at the Porsche Museum. Being a member of GGR makes moments like these even more special!

For those of you who love driving as much as I do, I highly recommend adding these iconic passes to your travel list. While the twisty roads and high elevations made the drive intense—especially for someone like me who’s a bit afraid of heights—the sheer beauty and thrill were more than worth it.

One thing I did notice, though, was how quickly the speed limits change in some of these countries. It’s not the limits themselves that are tricky, but the rapid shifts between 20, 30, 50, 60, and 80 km/h in very short distances. Adjusting quickly can be a challenge! Crossing my fingers that I don’t receive (a lot of) speeding tickets. 🙂

Tips for Driving Mountain Passes

For anyone interested in tackling mountain passes, here are a few simple tips:

  • Check your car: Make sure your brakes, tires, and fluids are all in good condition before the drive.
  • Be prepared for weather: Mountain weather can change fast, so be ready for rain or fog.
  • Use your gears: Downshift on both uphill and downhill sections to save your brakes and maintain control.
  • Watch out for speed limits: They can change quickly—stay alert!
  • Stay on your side: Some roads are narrow, so keep to your lane, especially on blind corners.
  • Take breaks: Pull over at scenic spots, fuel up when you can, and enjoy the view!

A Memorable Story from the Trip

Speaking of thrilling drives, I have to share an incredible story from my adventure. While cruising the Umbrail Pass in Italy in a rental Audi A5, out of nowhere, two Cayman 981s blew right past us! Instincts from all those GGR motoring drives kicked in, and I floored it to keep up.

At the end of the road, the two drivers pulled us over. It turns out they had seen my passenger filming the drive and wanted a copy of the footage! Even more amazing, they were PCA members from Germany. We spent time swapping Porsche stories, and they’re hoping to visit and join us on one of our GGR’s drives in the future. It was hands down the best, most unexpected random drive ever!

This experience reminded me once again how the passion and love for Porsche bring like-minded people together from all over the world. It’s a bond that runs deep, no matter where you are!

Wen Shen

GGR Membership Director