GGR Board Meeting Minutes for June 2024

Porsche Club of America

Golden Gate Region

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

June 5, 2024


XPresident – Howard YaoXAutocross – Himanshu Patel
XVice President – Brad ZucroffXMotoring – Cheryl Spott
XSecretary – Eric WilsonCo-Track – Scott Kalkin
XTreasurer – Alan JungXCo-Track – Jim McClelland
XMembership – Wen ShenXNugget Editor – Jim Tierney
XSocial – Kate EfremovaCo-Webmaster – Christina Hamilton
Co-Webmaster – ​​Alexander Wu

Call to Order 6:33pm


  • Brainstorming on potential venues for Year-End Awards (~100 attendees)
  • Discussion on how to coordinate AutoX & Track schedules to avoid overlap

Vice President:

  • No updates


  • Vote to approve May 1, 2024 minutes: APPROVED


  • May 2024 financials discussion, vote to accept: APPROVED
  • Current bank balance: ~$244k bank balance with minimal outstanding

Membership Director:

  • June 1, 2024 member counts
    • PCA GGR
      • 3827 total (2656 primary members, 1168 co-members, 3 honorary)
      • 138 PCA Juniors, 104 renewals, 52 dropped, 53 new members
    • PCA National: 161,838 active members (106,191 primary & 55,647 co-members)
  • Vote to accept new members: APPROVED

Autocross Director:

  • Autocross #3 held on May 4 at Salinas
    • Rain storm caused the competition to be called off at noon (so 3 runs counted)
    • Participants were instead offered a skid pad exercise for the afternoon!
    • Buffet dinner had light attendance given the weather
  • Autocross #4 is June 9 at Salinas
  • Beginners Car Control Clinic and Advanced Car Control Clinic now scheduled for June 22 and 23, respectively, at Alameda
    • Insurance requirements for Alameda site were really challenging
    • 55 students already signed up with 30 instructors for Saturday
    • 60+ signed up for Sunday

Track Director:

  • Buttonwillow DE (May) report
    • Much better financial results than expected
    • Weather extremely mild compared to usual
  • Sonoma DE (June) projections are looking positive
  • Chasing on sponsorships where promised checks haven’t actually come in yet
  • Planning to coordinate more with Diablo so their Friday DE events blend more into our track weekends
  • Have an available Buttonwillow date in November, but Sonoma would have to make a lot of money for us to seriously consider that
  • Brainstorming on promotion of track events – can promote that members of other PCA regions can register for our events
  • Track team (volunteers) continue to receive great reviews from the PCA National stewards

Motoring Director:

  • Co-hosted a rally with Redwood Region: good showing of cars
  • Mammoth Drive has strong registrations
  • Nothing organized yet for July but will plan one
  • Additional events planned for later in the year, potentially a re-do of the rained-out event held on Valentine’s Day

Social Director:

  • Event May 19 at Issimi (San Carlos) had tons of cars, raffle winners will be contacted
  • Next Cars & Coffee on Saturday, June 29 at Sonoma (track event) – event announcements will contain a paddock map showing where they should park, and volunteers needed for gate (managing signing of waivers, directing attendee parking)
  • July event will likely be somewhere in South Bay
  • August event may be held at San Francisco Sports Cars


  • (not present)
  • Alex had a baby boy on May 30!
  • Alex and Christina will operate together as Co-Webmasters

Nugget Editor:

  • Submission deadline for this month’s newsletter is June 10
  • Need to reconcile the mailing list for The Nugget in with PCA’s list for all region members

Adjournment 7:58pm

Next Board Meeting: July 3, 2024 @ Kate’s place