The Sound of Porsches in Wine Country

Wow, what a wonderful day we had on the April run.  Weather could not have been better and the roads are in great condition  Overall, a fun and engaging outing, with 40 cars joining in, including 4 new participants. Hats off again to our valiant Volunteer Team  ( JB & Kurt Kruger sign-in ) Jamal Boudi (Grid Master), John Celona, Subhendra Ghosh, JB Ellis ( leads ) and John Grauel, Shai & Hedva Redlich, Bert Niemi, Birgit Heinz ( Sweeps ), Bert Ciccone ( Safety Car ).  Without the time, organization and focus of this group we are not able to present and execute these terrific monthly outings. 

Earlier in the week I had the pleasure of volunteering with Redwood Region members  April 21 -24 at Wine Country Treffen at Fairmont Mission Inn in Sonoma. Engaging and spending time with PCA members from around the county ( and the world, Liepzig Germany couple Christian & Hortrun Hartinger who I had met at Treffen 2021 in Scottsdale )  a couple of Key Facts became quickly apparent.  1 )  We live in and enjoy a special place in our country. Many comments were heard about the diverse geography, the amazing vistas and views, the abundance of fun – challenging roads, and of course the access to terrific wines and dining.  2 ) The amount and quality events GGR has to offer.  Of course some regions populations are well below ours, yet even some of the larger Chapters do not present the volume and quality of driving events our Chapter delivers. Again all possible due to the number of committed volunteers we nurture here.  It made me so proud to represent us within this venue. 

I have to tell a funny story that happened while I was at Treffen.  I was looking for a second inside Treffen sticker for my Macan GTS and was offered one by a fellow volunteer.  I offered him a key chain in exchange, and he said he would also bring me a keychain the next day.  Imagine my surprise when he gave me this keychain:

I didn’t know the significance of the date – just that it was the day I was born!  When I googled the date, I learned this is the day PCA was founded!  While my dad had sports cars while I was growing up, none of them were Porsches.  People ask how I got into Porsche, and now I know!  

Back to the Spring Drive – Our April 27 Fun Run went off on time from the Good Earth Foods at Shoreline and Flamingo Road in Mill Valley. Easier said than done sometimes as we are tying to get 4 groups of 10 cars each on to Shoreline Highway thru a Left turn signal “ together “.  As a group lead, your First Role is to keep your group together. IF we miss on this move, there is almost no place to pull over safely and regroup  Our first group out 8:30am on the dot, Group 2, 3, 4 following in 10 minute increments.  Once clear, next stop Bear Valley Visitor Center just past Olema.  The Pace was a bit below what would be normal due to traffic and some bicycles. The good news was the stunning vistas, terrific weather and endless view of the blue Pacific Ocean as we drove north  

After our Second planned stop location ( Guerneville 76, Safeway ) it was a nice leisurely pace along Russian River Road to Eastside road ( actually Wohley ) through the vineyards to Windsor Commons. Finding a place that can accept our size of Group without an “ Event “ – downpayment/minimum deposit – is not the easiest of tasks. Yet with some pre-planning ( aka actual site visit ) we have been really lucky this year.  This day’s event proved so again. Although the service, staff friendliness and outdoor patio served us well, the food was not up to the quality of the other venues we’ve chosen. Nonetheless, a beautiful day, good friends, nice Roads, terrific weather and views can erase most of these minor shortcomings. 

I would also like to welcome our new Drive Participants:  Kim Lewandowksi, Chandra Nath, Matthew O’Brien and James Hartshorn.  Thank you for joining us, and I hope we see you again at future events!

Our next event is a Monte Carlo Rally led by Jim Robison, Redwood Region Rally Master on May 25th.  Registration is now open at  Hope to see you there!

Thank you for allowing me to lead this wonderful group!  

Never Stop Driving…

Cheryl Spott

Motoring Director