We are fortunate to have some amazing volunteers that work hard to make sure you have a safe and enjoyable Fun Run. Here’s a look at what takes place behind the scenes:
First, after selecting a date for the drive, we need to confirm who the Leads, Sweeps and Safety Car will be. Leads must also be able to join the Pre-Run. We usually have 4 groups of 10 cars each, so that means 4 Leads, 4 Sweeps and the Safety Car. Leads must be experienced in leading a group. A Lead must judge the pace of their group and set the cadence accordingly. The Lead is also responsible for calling our hazards along the way such as bicycles, pedestrians, animals, rocks, and potholes. The Lead must also call out the turns as they get close. It’s very helpful for the Lead to have a Navigator to work the radio and ensure precise communication with the Sweep and the other drivers.
Sweeps will let their Lead know when the group has completed a turn, made it through a stop sign or traffic light, and if there is an issue with anyone in their group. If someone has a mechanical issue the Sweep will stop to assist, making sure the car and its passenger(s) are in a safe location. The Sweep will determine if the Safety Car is needed. The Sweep’s job is not to chase down a driver that goes the wrong way. Their job is to make sure the group stays safe.
The Safety Car carries a spare tire, battery jumper, tire patch kit and tire inflator. We’ve needed the Safety Car twice in the past year, once for the Safety Car itself.
Next is determining the route. This requires a starting point to hold all the cars, knowledge of the roads, bio-break stop(s), and a location for lunch. We use multiple platforms for creating the routes as well as for navigation during the drive. Again, the volunteers are instrumental in determining the best possible route using backroads that are twisty with minimal traffic. We’ve even had volunteers do a Pre-Pre-Run which has been very valuable in determining the final route.
Time for the Pre-Run! This usually takes place the Saturday before the Fun Run so we can check out the road conditions, timing of the route and bio-break stops. There have been many times where the route was changed after the Pre-Run to provide a better experience for our members. This is why the route isn’t distributed until after the Pre-Run and we have finalized the details.
Day of the Run – When we meet at the starting location, we check in the drivers and passengers, making sure everyone has signed their waiver. Then we grid the cars according to groups. We do our best to put drivers together who have similar driving styles and abilities, ensuring the group stays together and everyone enjoys the drive.
We hold a Driver’s Meeting to go over any details about the route for the day, safety reminders, any other information that the group should know, and answer any questions that arise.
Start your engines! When it’s time to go, we leave at 10 minute intervals. Lead and Sweep drivers are experienced Fun Run participants, and if it’s necessary to make a change on the fly we’ve been able to do it. Last year we had a road closure due to a fire that required a significant route change.
There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, and these events wouldn’t happen without your GGR club members. I’d like to give a special thanks to the following people for stepping up, devoting their time (and gas!)
Chris Chen and his Navigator Dean, Jamal Boudi and his navigator Sarah, Ashod Donikian and his navigator Lezzel, JB Ellis, Subby Ghosh, John Grauel, Birgit Heinz, Soah Hsu, Omar Portigliatti, Shai and Hedva Redich, Jayson Gispan, Kurt Kruger, George and Shirley Neidel, Michelle Olsen, Wen Shen, Alan Yamauchi, Frank Monteon and his navigator Helen, Georgia Athanasiou and her navigator Rodney, Serena Cheng, Krish K, Tonie Levitan, Harsh Luthra, Abu Taghizadeh and his navigator Nazli, and my navigator Heather Kornberg!
Waiting for the tow truck on the St. Paddy’s Day Pre-Run