President’s Blog March 2025

Dear GGR Members,

Cars and Coffee continues to just astound me, we have been putting these events on a monthly basis for the past few years at cool locations throughout the Bay Area. Everytime I think interest will eventually wane, I’m wrong. The appetite just seems to be insatiable, as the events seem to be getting even larger each month. 

Being in the Bay Area, we are so blessed with great weather and amazing cars. At a typical GGR Cars and Coffee, there are well over 100 cars. We always get a few vintage air-cooled 356s and 911s, we get a Singer or two, but the GT cars just dominate (GT3, GT3RS, GT4, GT4RS, Spyder RS, etc). If we tally up the value of all the cars that show up every month, I can’t imagine how many millions it’s all worth. For 99% of the planet, one would have to go to a museum or some special collection to see the quality of Porsches that our members bring. For us, it’s called 10:00 on a random Saturday morning. 

Below was a fun photo taken at our last Cars and Coffee event, hosted by the wonderful people at Auto Vino in San Carlos. Social Director Diana Bogorodskaya and her husband Jie Mao brought the “3K” balloons, celebrating that the GGR Instagram page just exceeded 3,000 followers (3,177 last time I checked). Instagram and Cars and Coffee seem to be made for one another. The more cars show up, the more photos get taken, the more content gets uploaded to Instagram, and the cycle continues, just remember to #pcaggr and @pcaggr.


Howard Yao