2024 Track Season (and 2025)

Greetings Track Enthusiasts!

GGR held its final track event of the 2024 season at Thunderhill Raceway over the weekend of October 12th and 13th. The weather was perfect and we were able to host over one hundred HPDE drivers, including eighteen new students, and a field of thirty-seven club racers.

The Diablo Region hosted their DE on Friday with a large number of GGR drivers attending.  We were very happy to see that a group of Diablo drivers elected to stay the entire weekend and drive with us on Saturday and Sunday.

Big thanks go out to Diablo’s staff for participating in our joint ground school for new students, and to driving coach Robert Orcutt for leading a Friday evening track walk attended by over fifty drivers, and running excellent instructional download sessions for our intermediate and advanced drivers.

Our Saturday evening dinner at the track was attended by over one hundred people.  The food was great, as were the numerous raffle prizes.  Huge thanks are due to Kim Garcia and Sharon Nidel for organizing the dinner and choosing the raffle prizes. 

Finally, on Sunday afternoon we ran time trials for 17 cars with drivers essentially getting the track to themselves for one warm-up and two timed laps. The results/ driver standings for the season can be viewed on the GGR website www.pca-GGR.org  under the Track menu.

We are beginning to plan next year’s track schedule which we hope will be finalized soon. So far, we have the following dates reserved:

March 22-23 –   Thunderhill  (Diablo on Friday March 21)

April 26-27 –      Thunderhill  (Diablo on Friday April 25)

June 28-29 –      Sonoma      (Diablo on Friday June 27)

October 18-19 – Thunderhill  (Diablo on Friday October 17)

We promise to keep you all notified of the additional track dates for 2025, as well as our off-season Tech Sessions, as we get things finalized.

Thanks to all of you for your continuing support of GGR’s track program, and to the GGR staff members for all of your hard work which makes our events such a big and continuing success. 

See you all soon!

Scott & Jim