GGR Board of Directors Meeting Minutes for May

Porsche Club of America

Golden Gate Region

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

May 1, 2024


XPresident – Howard YaoXAutocross – Himanshu Patel
XVice President – Brad ZucroffXMotoring – Cheryl Spott
XSecretary – Eric WilsonCo-Track – Scott Kalkin
XTreasurer – Alan JungCo-Track – Jim McClelland
XMembership – Wen ShenXNugget Editor – Jim Tierney
Social – Kate EfremovaWebmaster – Christina Hamilton
XInvited Member – ​​Alexander Wu

Call to Order 6:26pm


  • Porsche Redwood City did not sponsor our Track series this year (they did sponsor Autocross and support Concors), so have reached out to other area Porsche dealers to  within our region inquiring about a meet-and-greet
  • 2023 Club Award recipients have been added to the website

Vice President:

  • No updates


  • Vote to approve April 3, 2024 minutes: APPROVED
  • Board Directory
    • Published internally with board member contact information
    • Prior versions had a “Key Volunteer” section – feel free to send in information for anyone who should be included


  • April 2024 financials discussion, vote to accept: APPROVED
  • Current bank balance: ~$187k with $7k outstanding checks

Track Director:

  • (not present)
  • Discussion and brainstorming on how to potentially reduce expenses and/or increase participation (and thus revenues) for track events
  • Personal outreach generated approximately 20 additional DE registrations for Buttonwillow in the last week and a half
  • Discussing with Diablo DE team to facilitate more integrated weekends and entice Diablo drivers to register for our events

Membership Director:

  • May 1, 2024 member counts
    • PCA GGR
      • 3827 total (2656 primary members, 1168 co-members, 3 honorary)
      • 138 PCA Juniors, 104 renewals, 52 dropped, 53 new members
    • PCA National: 161,838 active members (106,191 primary & 55,647 co-members)
  • Vote to accept new members: APPROVED
  • Badges
    • Will institute a $12 charge for membership badges, as many new members haven’t picked them up and it costs the club money to print and ship them
    • Directors can still order free badges for special roles (e.g. board members, instructors, etc.)

Social Director:

  • (not present)
  • Cars & Coffee #4 held at Jack’s in San Mateo on April 28 – good turn out
  • Next Cars & Coffee is May 19, 2024


  • Alex and Christina will decide on a formal transition date, ideally next month’s board meeting
  • Accounts will be transitioned away from Christina, with payments transitioned over to Treasurer
  • Discussion on reorganization of Google Drive for easier sharing and collaboration on documentation

Autocross Director:

  • Autocross #2 held on April 7 at Salinas
    • 54 attendees (versus budget of 60)
    • Blog post recapping the event will include lots of interesting data tidbits, e.g. most drivers achieved their fastest lap on the last run
  • Autocross #3 scheduled May 4 at Salinas
    • 65 subscribed (versus budget of 60)
    • Planning Zone 7 celebration dinner for up to 30 people (partially paid with subsidy received from PCA National)
  • Basic Car Control Clinic scheduled for May 25, and Advanced Car Control Clinic scheduled for May 26, both days at Alameda – with logistics/registrations being handled by Golden Gate Lotus Club due to insurance requirements

Nugget Editor:

  • Submission deadline for this month’s newsletter is May 10

Motoring Director:

  • Spring Drive held on April 27 (sold-out)
  • Picture of Valentine’s Day Drive was featured in Panorama

Adjournment 8:32pm

Next Board Meeting: June 5, 2024 @ Eric’s place