April PCA-GGR Board Meeting Minutes

Porsche Club of America

Golden Gate Region

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 3, 2024


President – Howard YaoXAutocross – Himanshu Patel
XVice President – Brad ZucroffXMotoring – Cheryl Spott
XSecretary – Eric WilsonXCo-Track – Scott Kalkin
XTreasurer – Alan JungCo-Track – Jim McClelland
XMembership – Wen ShenNugget Editor – Jim Tierney
XSocial – Kate EfremovaWebmaster – Christina Hamilton
XInvited Member – ​​Alexander Wu

Call to Order 6:37pm


  • (not present)
  • Reminder: next year is GGR’s 65th anniversary!

Vice President:

  • No updates


  • Vote to approve March 6, 2024 minutes: APPROVED


  • Mar 2024 financials discussion, vote to accept: APPROVED
  • Current bank balance: ~$237.6k
    • We have (and will continue to) incur higher expenses at this point in the year as deposits are placed for events later in 2024
    • Event revenues will not be earned until after the events take place
  • Targeted with a phishing attack with the scammer purporting to be Howard Yao – so everyone should stay vigilant!

Membership Director:

  • April 3, 2024 member counts
    • PCA GGR
      • 3790 total (2631 primary members, 1156 co-members, 3 honorary)
      • 135 PCA Juniors, 102 renewals, 67 dropped, 37 new members
    • PCA National: 160,722 active members (105,454 primary & 55,268 co-members)
  • Membership Event was recently held at Auto-Vino with 126 registrations!
  • Vote to accept new members: APPROVED

Autocross Director:

  • First Auto-X event held March 9 at Crows Landing: over-subscribed for the first time in a while; 8 runs with average lap over a minute (long track)
  • Next event is this April 7 at Salinas, 54 registrations so far (closing today)
  • Car Control Clinic (Saturday Beginners/School and Sunday Advanced) was originally scheduled April 20-21 is moving to May 25-26, pending finalization of the contract with County of Alameda (Ed Hunter helping to sort it out)

Track Director:

  • Thunderhill event coming up this weekend, currently 74 DE and 37 racers (with new sign-ups still coming in)
  • Sponsorship Update
    • Checks have come in: Roboostoff & Kalkin and SP Motorsports
    • Porsche Redwood City has decided not to sponsor track events this year, so we’ll be approaching other dealers for support

Motoring Director:

  • Second event of the year held on March 16 with 40 attendees (sold-out)
  • Upcoming events:
    • April 27 in North Bay
    • May 25 in South Bay as a Demonstration Rally
    • June 14-16 to Mammoth
    • July TBD
    • August 10 to Carmel, tied into Car Week
    • September 13-15 to Lost Coast
    • October 18-20 to Santa Barbara
  • Planning:
    • July
    • November: Ladies Drive co-hosted with Redwood Region
    • December: Holiday Event

Social Director:

  • Cars & Coffee #3 held March 31 in Los Gatos with ~100 cars
  • Next event is April 28, location being confirmed
  • Velocity International will be held October 4-6, 2024 in Sonoma and are offering package deals, so will try to organize a group


  • Welcome ​​Alexander Wu, who has expressed interest in the Webmaster position
  • Alex would look to migrate Membership Spotlight from Google Sites to our WordPress site for consistency with the rest of the site
  • Alex suggested reclassifying our Google Workspace as a non-profit organization, which would eliminate the cost

Nugget Editor:

  • (not present)
  • Submission deadline for this month’s newsletter is April 15

Adjournment 7:43pm

Next Board Meeting: May 1, 2024 @ Ditas in Sausalito