The 2023 Porsche Redwood City Track Series is officially over, as will be my two-year term as Track Director on December 31st. This position is especially challenging because it involves so many people to pull off these complex events. So thank you to all of the HPDE participants, the Club Racers, the National PCA team, our valued Instructor Corps, and most importantly our dedicated volunteer Track Team:
Jim McClelland – leading all the Club Race efforts
Sean O’Boyle – Chief Driving Instructor and MSR savior
Christian Stangier – Tech Steward, streamlining the tech process
Dan Thompson – Race Control, keeping everybody safe
Paul Marty/Parker Merrill – Track Steward, managing the flow of the track
Parker Merrill/Chris Utter – Safety, getting cars out of troubled situations
David Bunch – Grid Steward, herding cats into an orderly grid
Karen Neidel – Grid Assistant, assistant cat herder
Sharon Neidel – Timing Assistant, race timing and posting results
Milo and Diane Dorr – Scales, keeping the racers honest
Scott Kalkin – Volunteer Coordinator, logistics, logistics, logistics
Richard Last – Refreshments and Snacks, keeping us all happy and hydrated
During the past two years, time sometimes seemed to grind to a halt and sometimes time seemed to just fly by. Thinking back, I am especially proud of two things:
1. Bringing Time Trials back – we had three TTs this year and everyone who hung around on a Sunday afternoon was treated to a wide open track and had a blast. Historically TT was a huge draw, but the Club had not done it in well over a decade. So it was good to bring a competitive aspect back into the HPDE series. TT Class Winners, please plan on attending the Award Banquet to be held at the Blackhawk Museum to receive your trophies!
2. Financial Health – in recent years, GGR as well as many other car clubs have suffered from increased competition and low attendance, resulting in significant financial losses – the pandemic surely didn’t help either. But 2023 was a good year, attendance was up and track fees were adjusted to catch up with increased track fees. As I’ve stated during Driver’s Meetings, the goal of the track series is to break even and have enough cash reserves for the following season.
As I’ve said in the past, nearly anyone can own a Porsche, but to experience a Porsche on the track is truly a special experience. You may never know what your car (and the driver) is truly capable of until you can safely explore the limits in a safe and controlled environment.
Thank you for all of your support and I hope to see you at the track next season!

Howard Yao
PCA-GGR Track Director