One very cool way to meet a lot of GGR members and, ya know, see a bunch of beautiful cars is to join us for Cars & Coffee! (Photos by George Komoto and Jim Tierney)

This does require you to get up early on the last Sunday of the month. A little tough for some of us (myself included… Cars & Afternoon Tea (beer?) is more my speed), but it’s well worth it. Kate, GGR’s social director, runs it and picks a new spot every month.
It bounces around between San Jose and Sausalito making at least some events accessible for everyone in the club. These pics are from the September Cars & Coffee in Palo Alto. Kate finds us a parking lot that we can more or less take over and fill with Porsches. As the name implies, it’s usually somewhere you can also get coffee.

Most events get a pretty good turnout, with a wide range of cars. Personally one of the things I love about Porsches is the wide range of styles and looks. And you definitely get the gamut at Cars & Coffee. From special older models to the coolest newer models. It’s a great way to socialize with folks and kick off a Sunday.
Jim Tierney
Nugget Editor (GGR Newsletter)